Well Researched Videos & Documentaries


Official Website: https://originalsovereigntribalfederation.com/

Wirritjin is an Ancient Prophecy that a white man would come to these lands and there would be great suffering for a period of time. One day the Black and White would stand together …

Our world has entered a period of great darkness and suffering. The time has come for for that darkness to return to light. The ancient Australian aboriginal  WIRRITJIN prophecy has begun and this is their call out to the entire world. They are asking all tribes and sovereign nations to come together as ONE people. Yellow, white, red, black, brown - we are one humanity.

Australia are inviting the world to join them to put an end to this medical tyranny police surveillance state and genocide of all our peoples. If you care about our planet, our animals, our ecosystems, our cultures you can start by watching this message from the oldest sovereign family on earth and their urgent message for humanity. This is their SOS call out to everyone of you, no matter what your position or station in life.

If you are wise and have eyes to see and ears to listen, then the message will find you.


Watch directly on Bitchute:  https://www.bitchute.com/video/koOhXLn0cURR/

Gray State, The Rise - Rough Cut

The GRAY STATE Project The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic collapse, while Americans continue to submerge themselves in illusions of safety and immunity. While rights are sold for security, the federal government, swollen with power, begins a systematic takeover of liberty in order to bring about a New World Order. Americans, quarantined to militarized districts, become a population ripe for tyrannical control. Fear Mongering, terrorism, police state, martial law, war, arrest, internment, hunger, oppression, violence, resistance - these are the terms by which Americans define their existence. Neighbor is turned against neighbor as the value of the dollar plunges to zero, food supplies are depleted, and everyone becomes a terror suspect. There are arrests.

Disappearances. Bio attacks. Public executions of those even suspected of dissent. Even rumors of concentration camps on American soil. This is the backdrop to an unfolding story of resistance. American militias prepare for guerrilla warfare. There are mass defections from the military as true Patriots attempt to rally around the Constitution and defend liberty, preparing a national insurgency against federal forces, knowing full well this will be the last time in history the oppressed will be capable of organized resistance. It is a time of transition, of shifting alliance, of mass awakening and mass execution. It is an impending storm, an iron-gray morning that puts into effect decades of over-comfort and complacency, and Americans wake up to an occupied homeland. It is a time of lists. Black list, white list, and those still caught in the middle, those who risk physical death for their free will and those who sell their souls to maintain their idle thoughts and easy comforts. It is in this Gray State that the perpetuation of human freedom will be contested, or crushed. Is it the near future, or is it the present? The Gray State is coming - by consent or conquest. This is battlefield USA. Encompassing the world of conspiracy theory, economic collapse, global disaster, end-time prophecies, martial law, and growing civil unrest, GRAY STATE is a piercing look into the immediate future.

A Gray State (Documentary) Film Timeline:

0.00- Exposing the Government, Taxes IRS Fraud, Federal Reserve Fraud, CIA Whistle Blower #1, Obamas entire administration stemmed from the Federal Reserve.

0.20m- Inventions, Power of Money, Fed Reserve Control Techniques, U.S. Debt, $23.7 Trillion Dollars missing in the first 2 years of Obama Presidency, China Buying Country, CEOs liquidating their assets

0.34m- Conditioning Children since 1800s, Good/Evil Psychology, School funding and control, Works hours longer gets being raised by schools, Politic Fraud and how they fool us.

0.44m- CIA spends $1 Billion Dollars a year on propaganda efforts against us , Obama, Ego in politics, A vote is complied consent, Military, Conditioning for soldiers and kids, Iraq Vets talk about the truth, Media integrity, Gov connection to Cabal,, Obama Caught Supplying Mex Cartel With Guns, Watergate.

0.57m- Skimming Game, Unequal Distribution of wealth, Teach Youth to Accept hand outs, Teach team work so they are never independent, Taking rights away for the common Good.

1.13m- In the 20th Century the Gov has killed 262 Million people not out of defense or war, Whiteness of other countries have seen this before, “One Death is a Strategy, a Million is a Statistic”, Military Industrial Complex, We arnt entitled to an explanation and they get to use our military, War in Irag and the Uranium Fraud, Veterans Apologize.

1:27m- System 3: Liberty, Laws, Court Fraud, Tax Fraud, Gov creating crime, The Drug War, The Police State.

1.36m- The Rise of a Warrior Cop, 10% of Police are Power Drunk, 9/11 Patriot Act Break Down, Internment Camps (new age concentration camps).

1.58m- National Defense Authorization Act, Obama Bad mouth Constitution, Domestic Terrorism, Independence, FEMA, System failure.

The Great Awakening - Fall of the Cabal - Part 1-10 Full Documentary

The End of the World as we Know it – The Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebaard
Beginning the search for the Truth, Left & Right in politics, Wikileaks, the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, and the birth of the Q-phenomenon…

Click on the video or head over to :  https://www.bitchute.com/video/kNS1mw1jmjpt/

MONOPOLY - Who owns the world?

This brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen reveals how a small group of super rich criminals have been buying virtually everything on earth, until they own it all. From media, health care, travel, food industry, governments... That allows them to control the whole world. Because of this they are trying to impose the New World Order.

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, ...

This incredibly eye opening documentary reveals something astonishing: the majority of our world is owned by the very same people. Because of this they can control the entire world and impose their wicked agenda onto all of humanity. This is the time to expose them and to rise up as one to defend our freedom.

The name of the two companies who virtually owns the world’ are Vanguard and BlackRock. They are at the heart of the Deep State or Cabal. Their plan is the Great Reset where they want to enslave every human on earth.

Share this video wherever you can!

Why are Australia's governments desperate to enforce experimental inoculations on citizens?
An interconnected web of relationships, family ties, government grants, funding from sponsors, DNA harvesting, security risks, foreign powers and criminal corporations with billions to spend.
Who is paying who?
Who is related to whom?
Who is acting in whose interest?
Could there be a conflict of interest amongst some politicians, bureaucrats, academic institutions, business owners and others?
Why shouldn't Australians demand answers?

Please note: The producers have no affiliation with any political parties whatsoever.
The single website page shown at the end of the video was included as it provides more relevant information not referenced in our production, along with sources.
As a contribution to honest investigation the information was added.
As a courtesy to those investigators, the weblink to their separate report is included.


Original video here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/M6xtOhsyUO1A/